
Rich Lewis Jr, Real Estate Trend Spotter for Exit Realty Premier Elite and Exit at the Palm Beaches predicts a moderate rise in home prices over the next two years. Based on data, the Palm Beaches can expect to see an increase from 4% to 11%. This real estate pricing result is due to low inventory, a booming Florida economy, high tax states seeking investment in real estate and warm weather. Please visit and to learn more about the Palm Beaches. You can listen to Rich Lewis Jr Real Estate Trend Spotter narrate the History of Florida and FL v USA on Soundcloud and Spreaker.   
Pending home sales retreat 1% in Feb after a 5% surge in Jan. Pending home sales index - a forward-looking indicator based on contract signings decreased 1% to 101.9 down from 102.9 in Jan. Interest rates should not change but if they do look for a downward revision.
Experience one of the most beautiful cities in the U.S. West Palm Beach offers a tremendous amount of outdoor activities such as City Place, botanical gardens, white sand beaches, piers to fish, shopping malls, concerts, dining, world-class fishing plus much, much more!

Exit at the Palm Beaches